Public Services

Bareeq AlAzl

Creating a new and unique model in the service sector with added value for the public and private sectors.
Developing the company's business volume and services locally and internationally.
Exploiting all available opportunities by concluding contracts to provide services with governments and major companies.
Increasing the company's revenues by diversifying sources of income and entering into new sectors.
Cooperation is our approved method of work to achieve all our common goals with our customers.
Confidentiality is a basic principle that we care about in all our work procedures policies, which reflects our clients' trust in us through our projects.
Quality is what we always focus on to ensure the comfort and satisfaction of our customers.
Integrity, as the company is committed to integrity and high ethics in all its dealings with its customers.

Providing the best service solutions in an innovative and high quality way to serve business goals in both the public and private sectors

Carrying out studies and specialized expertise, providing administrative and technical advice, and holding training programs, seminars and conferences that are consistent with the company's objectives.
Providing information and data on all services inside and outside Iraq and issuing specialized periodicals related to the company's objectives.
Carrying out studies and collecting data related to the field of service in all sectors in the country and analyzing it to form databases and establishing and managing information centers to facilitate access to data through making subscriptions for individuals and companies, in cooperation and coordination with the concerned authorities.